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New Patient Essentials

Welcome to Legacy Heart Care's New Patient Essentials page! Here, you will be able to: 
1) Learn more about EECP 
2) Hear about the Legacy experience from people who have gone through it
3) Get answers to your questions
4) Print out forms for your first appointment
As you will see, at Legacy Heart Care, we take a comprehensive and personalized approach to your health and wellness. Our mission is to both give you the best treatment experience while providing a comfortable and supportive environment where you can be empowered to achieve your optimal health and well-being.
So take a moment to browse the contents of this page, and then feel free to look around. We have a wonderful community here at Legacy Heart Care, and we look forward to having you be a part of it!
EECP At-a-Glance

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EECP Quick Facts

Patient Experience

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The Legacy Experience

One of the best things about Legacy Heart Care is the unique patient experience and knowing that the moment you step through the door that you are a part of a wonderful and supportive community. 
Take a few minutes to meet some of our past and current patients to hear their stories and their advice for those new to Legacy and EECP. 

Meet Our Patients

Meet Our Patients
EECP Heart Therapy (Thomas' Experience)
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EECP Heart Therapy (Thomas' Experience)

EECP Heart Therapy (Patient Experience)
Play Video

EECP Heart Therapy (Patient Experience)

EECP Heart Therapy (Margaret's Experience)
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EECP Heart Therapy (Margaret's Experience)

Jerry's Experience
Play Video

Jerry's Experience

Valerie’s experience
Play Video

Valerie’s experience

EECP Heart Therapy (Billy's Experience)
Play Video

EECP Heart Therapy (Billy's Experience)

EECP Heart Therapy (Patient Experience)
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EECP Heart Therapy (Patient Experience)

EECP Heart Therapy (Sharon's Experience)
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EECP Heart Therapy (Sharon's Experience)

EECP Heart Therapy (Lino’s Experience)
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EECP Heart Therapy (Lino’s Experience)


- Hub #3 -

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do the benefits of EECP last?


Documented research has shown benefits lasting three to five years after EECP® treatment. These benefits include less anginal episodes, decreased nitroglycerin usage, increased blood flow on stress tests, and increased exercise tolerance.​

How long does EECP take?


EECP is administered on a standard regiment of one hour a day, five days per week for seven weeks. This totals thirty-five one-hour treatments to complete a course of EECP.

What if I miss a treatment?


You are encouraged to make every scheduled treatment, but if you miss a day it will not have a negative outcome to the overall treatment. We simply add another treatment onto the end until you reach the thirty-five completed sessions.

Is EECP approved by the FDA? Have there been extensive studies on the treatment?


EECP was FDA approved in 1995 for the treatment of coronary artery disease and angina, cardiogenic shock, and for use during a heart attack. In 2002, the FDA approved EECP as a treatment for congestive heart failure. EECP has undergone clinical trials at leading universities around the nation and been subject to over a hundred scientific studies published in the most prestigious medical journals throughout the world.

Can EECP dislodge plaque and cause a traumatic event?


No. Our bodies follow the laws of physics, and one principle law is that fluid will travel in the path of least resistance. Atherosclerotic plaques are calcified and hard, and they create an obstruction that detours the blood through alternate routes. During EECP, when your blood is flowing to the heart, it will naturally bypass arteries with plaque and enter healthy, non-diseased blood vessels to go around blockages. Throughout the EECP cycle, these new pathways are reinforced and become lasting routes for blood to reach your heart muscle beyond blockages. Almost every EECP patient has multiple blockages; no one has ever had a heart attack or a stroke as a result of the treatment.

Have a question that is not listed above? We welcome you to contact us! Simply use the form below to send us your question, and one of our health care professionals will get back to you immediately.

Thank you for your question. We will get back to you shortly!

Patient Forms

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Getting Ready for Your Appointment

If you would like to get a head start on the basic paperwork for your first appointment, you are welcome to complete them at your leisure prior to your visit.
Simply click on your city (or the location of the clinic you will be visiting), print out the forms, fill them out, and bring them with you to your appointment.

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