Meet the Team: Getting to Know Sofia

Q: What is your name? Do you have a nickname?
A: Sofia Rowther Mathew, but my peeps call me Sof.
Q: Where is your hometown?
A: Kerala, India
Q: What is your role here at Legacy Heart Care?
A: I'm one of the clinical directors here in the Fort Worth clinic.
Q: What do you like most about working here?
A: What can I say...definitely the patients! We have such wonderful patients here. And we work in such a unique setting, where we get to see them every day through their course of their treatment. You're with them as they face these challenges...and then you're with them when they overcome them. You get to cheer them on and then celebrate with them in their victories.
For example, I remember this one patient...a gentleman in his 70's. When he came in for orientation, he had come in a wheelchair. Though he was always a pleasure to be around, you could tell just how hard it was for him--to be weak, in pain, unable to fully enjoy life. The first few times, he needed much assistance just to get onto the treatment bed. But just two weeks into treatment...and there he was...climbing into bed by himself. By the end of his EECP course, he had blossomed into this new person--stronger, more energetic, and getting around by himself with just a walker. But even more rewarding than witnessing his functional improvement was seeing how happy he was.
"You're with them as they face these challenges...and then you're with them when they overcome them. You get to cheer them on and then celebrate with them in their victories."
His last day of treatment brought a bittersweet parting. It was sweet, because we all knew that for him, this was a new start in his life. At the same time, through the course of this experience, he had become very much a part of our family, and it was hard to see him go. I recall his thanking us--with tears in his eyes--for caring for him. What he probably didn't know was how much his being here had ended up touching our lives. Things like that...that's why I love working here.
Q: Three words that best describe you are...
A: [pauses] Oh wait...I probably should add "wife" in there too, huh...
Q: What are you most proud of in your life?
A: My son! My rambunctious, inquisitive, two-year-old son. His name is Rayyan; it means "gate to heaven" in Arabic. Just seeing curious to explore and learn; it's truly amazing. He has even taught me a thing or two...especially about patience...

Q: Complete this sentence: “I am happiest when…
A: ...I am with my family. I am so lucky to have them, and I treasure the time I spend with them. One of the things we love to do is to go to the park, and just enjoy being with each other.

Q: Do you have a personal philosophy?
A: [after much deliberation...] How about YOLO...? I mean...that is true do only live once...
Q: What is your hidden talent?
A: You know what? When I find out...I'll let you know.
Q: Tell us about your favorite hobby.
A: Does napping count as a hobby...??
Q: What is on your bucket list? A: I want to travel the world! Just print out a list of all the countries, and go to all of them! Immerse myself in the the food. Definitely the food...
Q: Complete this sentence: “People would be surprised if they knew that I…”
A: ...I do have something in mind that would surprise you....but I must not reveal it...
Q: Tell us about a challenge you have had to overcome in your life. What advice would you give to someone who may be going through the same situation right now?
A: One of the biggest challenges that I can think of is just life itself. Even now, I'm still trying to figure out the ins and outs of being a mother, a wife, a working woman. Not only that...there's also being a daughter...a daughter-in-law...etcetera. I love and treasure everything and everyone in my life--there's no doubt about that--but I would be lying if I said that I had everything figured out. But that's one of the best things about life, right? It never fails to challenge and surprise us!
"Let go of things that don't matter that much... and simply enjoy the moment."
As for advice...and here I'm going to give some advice that I myself should follow...and that's to learn to let go. Just...let go. Let go of things that don't matter that much, frustrations that we don't need to hold on to. Just let go and relax a little...and simply enjoy the moment.

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