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A Reflection on a Legacy Experience

Mary (left) with Kathy (right), Legacy Heart Care of Austin Midtown's Clinical Director

"If they are willing to put in the effort, what they will get out of the experience will be wonderful."


Today we have Mary, a patient who went through Legacy Heart Care's Health & Wellness program while receiving EECP treatment at the Austin Midtown clinic. Today is her last day. Jasmine, one of Midtown's EECP technicians, sits down with Mary to reflect upon her two-month experience.

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Jasmine: When was the first time you got diagnosed with heart problems, and when in your life did you first start to experience health issues?

Mary: I had my first heart attack two months ago, and that was what eventually brought me to Legacy Heart Care. However, I would say that my health problems started many years ago, at the age of 19.

Jasmine: Would you say that coming to Legacy Heart Care made a difference in the way you feel now?

Mary: Yes! Since coming to Legacy, I have learned how to breathe better, how to walk farther than I could before, and now, of course, I have no more chest pain.

Also, I think everyone at Legacy--the technicians, the clinical director--the receptionist-- has helped me get to where I am now, and I would love to come back to do it all again!

"Since coming to Legacy, I have learned how to breathe better, how to walk farther than I could before, and now, of course, I have no more chest pain."

Jasmine: That's wonderful to hear! And how would you say the Health & Wellness program in particular has played a role in how you feel now, and what have you learned?

Mary: You know what? I have to confess to something. When I first started at Legacy, I sometimes didn't want to come! But after I started coming a couple of times, I got to a place where I looked forward to coming here everyday, because Legacy's program helped me become aware of my illness and conditions and the fact that I could no longer play around with them anymore.

Jasmine: Do you feel that the health videos were helpful?

Mary: Yes! The videos helped me a lot. The health guidance that Ms. Kathy gave me and the things she gave me to read (handouts) also helped a lot. I'm also going to miss Michelle and Jasmine very much. I woke up this morning and I cried because it was my last day. I'm going to miss you all so much.

"Legacy helped me become aware of my illness and conditions and the fact that I could no longer play around with them anymore."

Hopefully, I will be able to come back to Legacy and go through the entire program again. But if I don't get to, my goal in the future will be to come in once a week to Legacy Heart Care just so that I can show my face and see your faces in order to say "hi" and have a laugh....because you all are truly a great group of people.

Mary during the interview.

Jasmine: That is so sweet! Any last words for people who may be considering or just starting EECP?

Mary: Just that it is a great experience. It is not just about the machines. It is nice, comfortable, and you will get something out of it. But if you are willing to put in the effort, what you will get out of the experience will be wonderful.


From left: Mary, Michelle, and Jasmine (EECP technicians at Legacy Heart Care of Austin Midtown)

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