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Meet the Team: Getting to Know Patricia

Patricia. What can I say? When I first met her, I had the unequivocal impression that this was a person who embodied the core values of Legacy and Trinity Heart Care. Not only is she passionate, caring, and motivated, but she is always striving for excellence in everything she does--and patient care is no exception. Beloved by both patients and staff, one cannot help but be refreshed by her cheerfulness, encouraged by her strength, and touched by her kind heart. Here is a snippet of a conversation that we hope will provide a glimpse of who she is...

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Q: What is your name? Do you have a nickname? A: Patricia Elaine Kelly. Some people call me Trish. A few call me PK! Q: Where is your hometown? A: Dallas, Texas. I've been here all my life. This is my home, and I love it. Q: What is your role here at Trinity Heart Care? A: I am an EECP technician. In other words, I have the privilege of caring for our wonderful patients everyday. Q: What do you like most about working here? A: There is so much that I love about working here. First of all, from a professional perspective, it is just a special place. The atmosphere is always warm and welcoming. The staff are all so positive; you can tell everyone genuinely cares about the patients as well as each other. Here, we like to say that we are all a part of one team--even one family. And it genuinely feels like that. We take care of each other and truly work as a team, so that we can provide our patients the best care and attention.

"We take care of each other and truly work as a team, so that we can provide our patients the best care and attention."

From a personal perspective, I cannot tell you how much working here means to me. To be able to come here every morning, interact with our wonderful patients, touch their lives, and make them smile. Because we get to see them day after day, they (and their loved ones) become a part of our family. We get to feel as if we are walking with them down their journey as they progress through their treatment course, and we get to know them and be a part of their lives. Then at the end of the 7 weeks, we get to celebrate with them. I have to admit, it is always a little sad to see them go (because like I said--they have become like family), but it is so encouraging to see them feeling better, knowing that their quality of life has improved. Our patients really are wonderful, and I only hope they know that they have touched my life as much as I hope to have touched theirs. Q: Three words that best describe you are... A: ...loving...energetic...and excited about life! Q: What are you most proud of in your life? A: A couple of years ago, I went back to school to get re-certified as a medical assistant; I think that's one of the things I'm proud of. A long time ago I had gone to school to be a medical assistant, but for many years I left the health care field and worked for Dart as an operator and instructor. But eventually I came to the realization that my heart was in caring for patients. So I went back to school in 2015--and I tell ya--going back to school at my age is no small feat! But here I am. And although I finished that part of my education, I have the strong desire to keep learning in order to develop my skills and improve my knowledge base. Because I feel like I have been given a second chance, and I truly want to be the best that I can for my patients as well as my coworkers.

"Our patients really are wonderful, and I only hope they know that they have touched my life as much as I hope to have touched theirs."

Q: Complete this sentence: “I am happiest when… A: ...when I set out to complete a task, and I successfully complete it. Q: Do you have a personal philosophy? A: Keep moving...and live each day! Q: Do you have any hobbies? A: I love to read...especially faith-based and motivational books such as Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer...etc. I feel like they help strengthen me to do my best everyday. I'm also a health nut, and I try to take care of myself physically and mentally. Actually, I love to do a lot of things...

Q: What is on your bucket list? A: I want to go on a cruise... Q: Complete this sentence: “People would be surprised if they knew that I…” A: ...that I take life very seriously. I may kid around a lot, but I really do not take life lightly or for granted. I try to treasure every moment of each day and make the most out of every situation. I am thankful for what I have and have been given, and I just want to enjoy the journey.

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